a hit in the nutty .
August 13, 2008, 10:16 am
Filed under: random post

life give me a big slap in my face this morning . just feeling lethargic this few week .

never will be .

i realize  it has to stop . I’m not putting enough effort on what i want .

i got lost on my way.

but i pick myself up this morning . reflected on what i done .

i realize something . i am not gonna live this life , this way .

I’m not gonna waste my life on this .

i won’t spend my time reflecting on what i have done wrong .

i will sincerely apologize on what i have done .

and i move on and not turning back .

now i know what i want .

I’m not born in a money printing family .

but I’m glad I’m not , why ?

because i get to see what money can’t buy .

i set goals and i will achieved it .

and just some moment ago . i finish my some what detailed goals .

well , thats my style , plan and go . i don’t take extreme risk .

i felt better .